Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Serving at Grace
The purpose of our church is to make a difference by serving others through God's love and our faith.
The Giving Pantry - Grace supports this local nonprofit whose mission is to eliminate hunger and hardship in the community, through the distribution of food, personal items and cleaning supplies.
They help all those who knock on their door in the most understanding and sympathetic manner, recognizing the dignity and equality in each. The pantry is an equal opportunity provider open to the public.
Wednesdays 3:00-5:00pm at Grace
​NO Giving Pantry on January 1, 2025
Community Meal -
The Community Meal is being served the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the Month in the Social Hall from 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
CLICK HERE to view menu.
If you are interested in helping with the bi-weekly meal please contact Keith Snavely, Kitchen Coordinator, at 717-576-6503 or
Quilting Ministry - The quilters of Grace meet weekly on Tuesdays at 9am to plan, cut, sew, assemble and knot quilts for those locally in need as well as to Lutheran World Relief. All are invited to join this ministry, no experience needed.
Watch the videobelow to see our pre-Covid Community Meal.
Prayer Shawl Ministry -Women prayerfully knit or crochet shawls for those struggling with health & life concerns, or celebrating special occasions. Prayer shawls available in the church library or by contacting the church office.